Monday, March 21, 2011

Mulberry Tarts

This is what happens when I look in my freezer downstairs...I discover things I HAVE TO USE RIGHT NOW!  Like the Mulberries a friend gave me last spring.  The ones she lovingly picked for me when I said 'I love fresh berries!'.......and then I let them sit in the freezer for a year.

So, without further a due... justice for the Mulberries....French style sour cream custard tarts.

Tasty treats.



  1. Those look stunning. How did they taste?


  2. Very buttery and tasty. Nice thing is with this recipe...any fruit is just fine!

  3. Those look great Mizzie. Is the recipe easy (and if it is, can I have it?) Marie :)

  4. Of course you can have it...and it is easy. The girls can even help out!

  5. Hey Miz,
    What would you think of doing a photo tutorial on how to make these? I'd love to "follow along" with you on some of your culinary adventures.


  6. I could do that...Not going to make these again for a bit...they are very rich. I will try to remember that next time I make them. I did do a follow along of a sorts with the tamales, mostly because it was my first time making them.

